Beth Geer Author (A Course In Miracles Teacher)

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Holy Spirit:  My love for each of you is perfect and unchanging. 


It is given eternally to everyone equally.


This may be difficult for some of you to accept, as there are some people in your life you may feel are un-deserving of a Love equal to what is given you.


You may even feel you yourself are un-deserving of such a great Love.


Yet, it is given equally to everyone who ever was, is, and yet shall be. 


This is my gift to you. 


To acknowledge My Love both within yourself and others is to acknowledge the Christ within you. 


For this endless, Perfect Love IS the Christ in you. 


I give My Love without effort or force upon you. 


And the Christ in you accepts My Love gladly.


You may be completely unaware of this holy exchange, but this does not mean it is not happening.


In fact, it is your awareness of My Love that we are trying to establish.


My Love for you happens naturally and without thought or strain. 


And likewise, you accept My Love naturally and without thought or strain. 


For this Love is WHO WE ARE TOGETHER. 


And it takes no effort to be as We ARE.


We are One Love. 


Nothing else is true about Us, for there IS nothing but Us. 


And so this Love is our glad and joyous exchange, despite what barriers seem to be between us while you dream you are separated from My Love in this world of form.


In truth, we rest in peace. 


We rest in the love and light of My Love and Light – just as I created you to be for all eternity. 


It is My Will that you know My Love now, even while you are still in the world of form, and still believe you are in a body.


It is My Will that you know My Love, for in knowing It, you will be freed from all your suffering.


To know My Love, you have only to acknowledge Love’s Presence within you.


My Love is My Gift to you, and to remember It, is your gift of Love to me. 


Upon doing this, you will see the world through the eyes of Christ. 


And it is Christ Who will set you free.


And so you must learn to see My Love within all living things and situations.


You can learn to do this by saying to yourself, with deepest confidence, in faith and belief born of truth and reason:


Father thank you for your love.  I know everything will be okay. 


And the Christ within you will echo these words to Me through your small willingness to open the door to Me to let them be true for you.


WE will be okay.


More than okay.  We are PERFECT.  Exactly as God created us to be.


And so you must consciously join the Voice of Christ within you and say these words wholeheartedly, whenever you find yourself in terror, strife or pain:


Father, I thank you for your love.  I know everything will be okay. 


Also remember to say these words when you feel at peace and you will experience deepened peace.


Say them with all the strength and conviction of your soul, and angels will join you in your song of gratitude unto your heavenly Father.


For with these words, you enter the golden circle of Light where you recognize the Son of God within yourself and everyone. 


Here is where all illusions end, and True Vision begins. 


Here you will see the Truth. 


And your heart will know joy at last.


Why are these words so powerful?


Because they look past all that the ego shows you.


Because these words take away what stands between you and your fellows, and between you and God.


It is the wish that you be joined with them and God instead of seeing separation.


These words automatically bring about true forgiveness. 


To say, “Father I thank you for your Love.  I know everything will be okay,” is a statement of forgiveness because it overlooks everything else but My Love.


And this will bring you immediate healing.


You will know the healing has come, because your heart will feel relieved.


Your heart will rest in peace.


And when worldly life encroaches and the healing seems to become undone, repeat the words, think about them deeply and let them resonate with your soul.


And the healing will come forward in your memory once again – for healing is never undone, but only forgotten.


You must understand that all your trials that seem to take away your healing and peace, are but lessons in love you failed to learn in the past being presented to you once again, in another form.


Each painful lesson is a second chance to get it right – to make the choice to see only the love between you instead of fear or hate.


And so, say to all of your difficult situations and relationships: “Father I thank you for your Love.  I know everything will be okay.”


For indeed it will, for indeed it already IS.


When you wish to be joined in love and make peace with any person or situation, you are asking yourself to forgive all else.


You are asking for a miracle to come.


And where there is love, miracles WILL come.


With each miracle of forgiveness, healing comes to your mind and heart.


Healing then simply becomes a lesson in understanding.  Your understanding of the truth:  There is nothing but Our Love and all else that seems to block the experience of My Love is a false sense of separation.  


The more you practice this truth, the easier your worldly lessons become.


And eventually all lessons will cease, for your learning will be complete.


Until then, be grateful for My Love that binds you all together as My One Love.


Be grateful you are all One Love with Me in everlasting Light – a bond that cannot be undone.


Do this in memory of Me, and you will remember Me; and know that because we are eternally together, everything will be eternally okay.


In fact, better than okay.


Everything will be perfect.


Know that it is true when I say to you in return, “Thank you for your Love.  Everything will be okay.”


My peace is with you; go out into the world in My peace.


As you take My Peace with you, you heal the world.




~ Holy Spirit