Beth Geer Author (A Course In Miracles Teacher)

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Holy Spirit:  Always, My messages are about personal healing.


And you are ALL are in need of healing the same thing: your mind.


Each of you is beloved of Me and a Light unto this world, yet you know this not.  Your mind is held hostage to darkness and suffering.


This causes you to experience life in general as something to be “suffered through.”


This is because you do not understand one thing: your inner thoughts beget your outer experience.


If you accepted your Divinity and Light in Me your mind would shift into a present state of peace and your outer experience would change dramatically. 


And if this formula is true, then it stands to reason that your mind is the only thing in need of healing and the rest will follow.


Your rest will follow when your mind rests in peace.


Yet you may feel you cannot achieve this.


You may feel trapped on a treadmill of dark thoughts and sadness; a repetitive experience of successive traumas that have either already happened or yet to come.


You may feel there is no escape from this powerful treadmill – taking you on a repetitive, unsuccessful, unhappy journey that seems to be making no progress, going down a road to nowhere.  


It is time to change this.


I will not stand idly by while you each suffer so.


Let’s begin your mind healing now with this thought:  Nothing and one can hold you prisoner.


Your mind is your own.


Anything that seems to suffocate you with hatred, pain, resentment, jealousy, fear, anxiety, depression, or merely a feeling of being unfairly treated – has no power to hold you to its misery.


To release your mind from such torture, you must let go of your thoughts about the situation and all those involved.


But first, in order to do this, you must decide you do not like how you feel.  


You must then decide that My Peace is more important than any form of vindication such as revenge, “just punishment,” or “correction” of anyone in any form.


No form outside yourself is in need of correction, for the correction must first be yours, within your own mind.


Let all things be as they are.  Do not wish to change a thing about your outer life.


Desire only to change your thoughts about your inner “things,” as you understand them now.


The only thought you need to hold in your mind, is that nothing outside you can change the Light that you ARE.


And this Light comes from God, and He is in each of you.


When you are aware of this Light in all people, you see them clearly and are willing to let things be.  Your mind rests in deep peace, knowing the truth about both them and yourself. 


What they do and say will then no longer hold your mind hostage to the grievances of your ego.


When you DO find yourself held hostage by your egos wishes and desires, then the clouds of un-forgiveness obscure the Light in those around you.


Then such people become part of your cloud of forgiveness lessons.


Your eyes will be blinded to the world around you and you will see nothing clearly.


Instead of Heaven, hell will be your experience.


To escape hell and return to Heaven, you must return your mind to Me.


To do this, you must simply remember, again, you do not like the way you feel and you wish to have a different experience – both inside and out.


There are only two experiences you can have: fear or love.


If you want a different experience from fear then, the only other choice is love.


Choose love, and you will win peace as the gift for choosing correctly.


Yet, the question still begs in your ego-laden mind, “How do I do this?”


Here is a question to answer your question: Do you really need what your ego says it needs in order to survive?


No.  I promise you do not.


Who You Are will continue to exist for all eternity, with or without whatever it is your ego says is causing its unhappiness.


Unhappiness is merely the wish that things in your life were different from what they seem to be now.


That’s it.


So what is happiness but the acceptance of the opposite in your mind?


Happiness is simply the acceptance of My Peace as replacement for all such thoughts.


Things do not need to be different in your outer life in order for you to be happy now.


Do not wish for anything– different or the same – as your experience in the world of form and material things.  This includes bodies.


Wish instead for all of it to be replaced with My Peace.


The error in thinking every human being has made is to believe that you exist outside My Peace.  


You see yourselves alone, wandering aimlessly in a desperate fear-filled world with nothing but disappointments at every turn.


This is not how I would have you live.


This is not My Will for you.


This is not living the truth of Who You Are.


Yet you will remain on your treadmill, running without a destination until you decide to step away from your typical thoughts about the world and the people around you.


Such a shift in thinking gets you off the treadmill.


But I have wonderful news; this need not be!


Together, you and I, we can correct all errors in your thinking and return your mind to a state of blissful peace and serenity; healed and whole.


Simply understand one thing: you cannot make this dream real.


You cannot truly become a body.


You will forever and always be a part of My Light and My Peace.


In your mind, you have completely forgotten Who You Are; you have used your power as the Son of God to become completely lost in the dream of this reality.


There is nothing you can do to change your eternal Identity in Me and this is true for everyone.


No one is who you think they are in relationship to you.  Not even yourself.


Those you would call “enemy” are in fact dear old friends, committed to your awakening through the means you decided for yourself long ago.


Ceasing to see anyone as enemy in any form will be your ticket off the treadmill to nowhere.


In order to do this, we must undo the egos thinking together, for you cannot do it alone.


You know this is true, for you have tried and failed many times to do this.


The ego would have you believe it is impossible to be rid of it. It would have you cling to the false identities of those around you as well as about yourself.


Yet your Identity is not up for ransom or barter – it is irrefutably Mine.


It is Mine because you are an inseparable part of Me.


The idea of changing your belief from being a body to being a sacred Light of Love is sacrilegious to the ego.


The ego is greatly threatened by such an idea, for it seems to threaten your whole existence.


For if you are not a body, then what meaning does the rest of your life hold?  


Your whole existence from the moment of your birth, has in effect, been centered on your body.


So if you decided to cease to believe the body was your identity, then your whole thought system would collapse, as your whole world collapsed around giving up this false identity.


And I tell you – let this collapse come!


It will not be your ruin to let go of this world, but your liberation.


All you have to do is get your thoughts off the treadmill.


Now it is time to let go of the limited belief that what God created can be limited in any way.


You are unlimited, joyful, loving and pure.  You are PERFECTION.


Yet there is no belief the ego holds more securely or defends more heavily than that you are NOT any of these things.  The ego would hold your mind hostage against any such idea that you are not the body it tells you it is.


And so you do not experience progress, healing, or any form of sustained happiness that does not involve the world.


The ego would have you believe there is no escape from your beliefs and this world.


Yet, to escape, all you must do is see that all that surrounds you is nothing more than a mistake.


An error in belief.


A choice you would un-choose.


Correcting the mistaken belief that you or someone else is truly the body they appear to be is like walking through a mist of clouds into the sun.


Into the Son.


Think carefully about the choice that lies before you, for it is truly between Heaven and hell.  


And this hell is not real, but My Heaven IS.


The make-believe world you currently see has become so real to you that you have totally replaced the truth with it.


When you look upon it, simply remember you are not here for the reasons your ego believes you are.


You are here to forgive the error in thinking any of it could ever be true, and see the Light beyond the mist covering all people.  


You are here to see your Unity as part of My One Love.


Everyone in existence is a part of your One Self, united with you in My Love.


And there is no other Love than this.


You may think you can marry and be given in marriage.  You may think you can have children all your own. You may think you can claim friends, siblings, and parents as yours. 


You may think you deserve to be loved in specific ways by these specific people.


And you may also think you are alone. 


But I tell you, listen very carefully to these next words:


None of this is your true relationship to anyone.


In truth, none of you are who you think you are.


Without bodies, none of these relationships are possible.


These are false identities in a false relationship based upon a mistaken understanding of Who You Are.


These relationships are only temporary and once the body ends, the ego is gone with it and so is the drama.


You then move into a new relationship with your fellows – a holy relationship in My Peace and My Love.


And My Love is given for all eternity.  It is given and received between each of you even now, though you are completely unaware of It.


So embrace the notion that you love all people with My Love at all times – whether you want to or not.


This thought alone causes the treadmill to nowhere to stop long enough for you to get off of it.


In fact, just reading these words has caused a ripple effect of healing that will spread and grow and take firm root in your mind.


And as you come to consciously accept these words more and more as the truth, the ego will begin to lose ground and it will dissolve into nothingness.


And your mind will rest in peace.


And your worldly life will respond to your new mindset of peace and become more peaceful.


And all good things will come to you.


In parting, know that I am always with you – within you, before you and beside you.


And when life becomes too much to bear, I carry you.


You are My Life, My Sweetness and My Hope as you carry My healing into the darkest recesses of the world.


Thank you for carrying out the one task you came here to do: loving all creation with My Love.


You may think you cannot do this, but My Precious Child, it is already so.


You have already done it, whether you believe it or not.



~ Holy Spirit