Beth Geer Author (A Course In Miracles Teacher)

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A Question For the Holy Spirit: How Can I Help My Body Heal?

(Answer From HS as channeled through Beth Geer)


Though I don’t claim to be a professional counsellor, licensed therapist, or advisor of any kind, every so often someone will write to me asking me to help them with a problem. However, I don’t officially offer this service. And I don’t claim to be a public channel of God or any other type of divine oracle, acting on behalf of anyone as mediator between them and God.

However, I DO listen to the divine Voice of the Holy Spirit within me for my own advice. And sometimes, as I read someone’s question, what I hear is just too important and too compelling not to share with the questioner. In fact, I usually hear the answer either simultaneously or just after I’ve finished reading about their problem.

What follows then, is one such question, with the answer as I received it from the Holy Spirit within us.

This message from the Holy Spirit is for us all. I hope you enjoy it!

Q: I have some issues in my eyes and in my throat. I have tried and tried to find the problem in my mind but in vain. I guess I might have some emotional trauma/s behind this and - as a Course student - I have done a lot of forgiveness work but issues still persist. Maybe the Holy Spirit could give some hints? — AS, Finland

A: Blessed child, you who are reading these words now, you who come to Me for loving support and help, first I would like to extend My gratitude to you for your gentle heart, courageous spirit, and generous service to My Plan.  You are most holy indeed who have answered My Call and I thank you for hearing.  For blessed are you who come to Me in the name of the Lord!  We are hereby joined in loving service to Him Who reigns above us all in His loyalty and Love.  Be you blessed even as I am blessed.  Know that all you do is beyond appreciated and you are deeply loved by the celestial hosts of Heaven and God Himself.  Amen unto you dearest child!

            And so it is with love and devotion that we will address a great need; a question many of you have about healing your physical body and maintaining overall wellbeing in a world determined to steal your peace and joy.  

            You know that the body is a neutral thing; it cannot determine its health for itself, it must obey your every command.  It thrives and lives because you will it to.  It feels pain and happiness because you will it to.  Of its own self it cannot feel anything, do anything or be anything.  You know this from the experience of witnessing other bodies lose their “life” when the spirit residing within it leaves.  The body ceases to animate and soon begins to deteriorate.

            Yet, what would cause the body to suffer deterioration prematurely?  What part of your thinking causes it to malfunction before you are ready to leave it?  Even petty aches and pains are cause for concern as they are a source of discomfort while you still reside within the body.

            What can be done to change your relationship with a body malfunctioning?

            Let Me explain something to you in order to teach what you must learn.

            Why do you think your cells are in conflict?  What causes conflict in any form?  Why do people at large, have conflict with one another?  Why is there sickness in bodies as well as between bodies, in the form of poisonous relationships?  In fact, some sickness and some relationships are so diseased that the body dies – either directly from the sickness or at the hands of another body.

            There is only one trigger for this: fear.  Fear begets all forms of dis-ease, both in the individual body and between other bodies in the world at large.  Fear is the cause of all illness and war.  Fear causes disharmony between cells in the body and between bodies with other bodies.

            Where did this fear come from and how is it cured?

            Fear was born whence the spirit decided to be born into a separate body, and with the body came an identity: the ego.  When the body dies, the ego dies with it.  However, you do not have to physically die before you can let go of your ego and all the fear that comes with it.

            The ego is afraid because it sees itself alone and separate and at risk for annihilation.  It thinks its very survival is constantly at stake.  

            And it is completely correct in this self-assessment.

            It could be transformed and obliterated in a holy instant with a new thought; a new self-belief: you are not a body at all, you are a holy Son of God Who is beloved and perfect of the One Who created you and wishes you to let go of all such foolish beliefs you could ever be separate from One you are One with.

            These words are just words until they are embraced and believed.  The ego will resist these words with great strength while you still identify with it.

            And one way it will do so, is through sickness – disharmony, chaos, illness, insanity, and a complete lack of joy – all within your own body and in the world at large.  It will “act up” when faced with your imminent awakening, knowing its demise is at hand.

            What does this mean?  It means that whenever you are on the cusp of a great spiritual leap forward, the ego will do its utmost to direct your attention elsewhere – to pain and suffering in some manifestation – in order to keep you from your peace.  The ego wants to stay in command of your joy by stealing it with distractions in the form of suffering.  

            Perhaps it is pain and disharmony within the very cells of your body, or in your relationships or social situation or living arrangements.  Somehow, some way, the ego will disrupt your peace in order to keep your attention locked on it, rather than on the truth of your being. 

            This “acting up” of the ego not only takes place on an individual level, but also on a global level.  When society at large is on the verge of a spiritual leap forward, the world may seem overrun with chaos: war, famine, disease, political unrest, and disharmony will be seen everywhere.

            Yet, following every storm is a peaceful calm, a quiet surrender and a deep stillness that is only surpassed by the peace of God Himself.

            This happens because when you are moving, you have to first stop for a brief moment in order to change directions.  There is no way to change your momentum, your direction, without first stopping, even if it is ever so briefly – almost imperceptible at times.

            This calm after the storm is the divine pause in which you decide to try another way, take another course of action, or another path.  It is in this small, surrendered stillness that you allow God to enter and take His rightful place within your mind.  This can take place on a personal level or within society at large.  Peace will not come to your body or the world until it is invited by you; and this brief inner pause is the willingness to let it in.

            How do you invite such peace?  How do you clear your inner altar and allow God to reign over all your affairs and heal your suffering and the world’s suffering?

            Do nothing.

            Simply do nothing to interfere with Gods peace. 

            Let go of all thoughts about what you want, what you do not want, and what is best for you.  Place all your wants and needs and cares in His Hands.  Fear is fed with fear.  Remove your fear and you remove the thrust behind the driving force that is the ego.  Cease to be driven by a wild horse.  Cut it loose and set free – do not worry about what happens after that.  Even so, you may well wonder, “What now?  What shall I do if I am not to worry about my future or present situation?”

            Do not fear.  Do not worry.  I will direct you from within from that point on.  I will give you the words you need, the ideas to pull you through and the will to do it.  You will know by the tenor of My Thoughts whether or not they come from Me or your ego.  My Thoughts are always loving, kind and joyful.  If you are uncertain as to what to do, then simply do the next loving thing and you will not be wrong in doing it.

            Again, the body and society at large will always become more chaotic, filled with pain and fear and less sane when on the cusp of awakening to a new understanding of your Divinity and Oneness with God.

            And so, I say to you: REJOICE when such times come to you; they are harbingers of new things to come, a better time and a grander life.  But in order to bring such positive changes to fruition, I need My miracle workers to be in action – actively doing nothing to interfere with My Plan for your happiness.

            Do nothing by simply not giving into fear.  Be not afraid, for I go before you always.  Come; follow Me, for here I AM. 

            Know too that in order to release your fear and allow for your own personal healing, you must sometimes ease into it.  At times, I may direct you to seek traditional medical help in the form of your reality, as you understand it now.  This is not wrong, it is merely the help you need in order to see you are already healed and whole, perfect, and complete.  While the fearfulness of the ego holds your attention to the pain and suffering of the body, you may not be able to overcome it without some type of outside assistance – though you have all you need contained within you.  Let Me walk you through your healing in the way that is most safe and acceptable to you now.  

            You are not alone My dear sweet child.  I am here with you now, forever, and always.  There is no need to hold onto that which no longer serves you – let fear go, and with it the ego will go.  You will then experience harmony in your body, your social life, and the world at large.  You will fulfill your part in My Plan for your healing, peace, and serenity, and that of the world.  

            You need not die in order to experience the perfect peace and health that is yours in Heaven.  In fact, knowing what you now know, I need you to stay on a bit longer to help Me teach others how they too can live in My Peace while walking through a cloud of fear and chaos.  Clouds cannot hurt you.  Walk through them courageously in trust and faith that I will lead you truly – for indeed I will.

~ Holy Spirit

This work is funded entirely by donations alone. Though not expected, if you feel guided to make a love offering, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION. Thank you for your support!