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How I learned to move into The Stillness.

It is with great honor that MIRACLES MAGAZINE is publishing yet another one of my articles in their SEPT/OCT 2021 ISSUE! (To subscribe to MIRACLES MAGAZINE, PLEASE VISIT:

This is the story of how I learned to move into The Stillness - not a physical stillness of this world - but The Stillness of mind and thought. It is The Stillness of being in a world where the ego is silent. And once within The Stillness, I had the experience of waking from what I thought was reality, into a New Reality. One where I felt Creation's Awareness of me, and I of It. This New Reality was an experience of total and complete Oneness, as described in A COURSE IN MIRACLES. 

And my beloved grandmother, who has been bodily deceased now for over ten years, helped open the doorway through which I could walk into a New Reality.

And now I am sharing that initiation with you dear friend. Because you too, are part of The Stillness, and are entitled to your treasure there.

I look forward to today and the happy future that awaits us!

My Unconditional love to you,

Beth Geer xoxo

TO READ/WATCH “My Heavenly Visitation” CLICK THE LINK!