NOTE: If you would rather WATCH the VIDEO to this meditation rather than read it below CLICK HERE.

* Which I HIGHLY recommend because it is accompanied by some breathtaking video footage!



To begin, sit in a quiet, comfortable upright position. Resist the temptation to lie down as this may cause you to fall asleep, and sleeping is not meditating.  When done properly, meditation is actually an active process; one you engage in with your mind and God’s.


Now take several slow deep breaths.  Notice how your chest loosens, your jaw relaxes and your shoulders drop with each breath.  Search out all the places you are holding tension in the body.


Tension in the body is a sure sign you are holding onto thoughts you do not want.  Why would we want to hold onto ego-thoughts that only give us stress and tension?  We would like to relax our mind and body now, and set the ego aside in order that we may take up new thoughts – ones we think with God.


This is a very special meditation.  What we are about to undertake is holy and deeply sacred.  We are going to set the body aside entirely and join with God in our pure, true form.  Doing so will achieve the miracle of Atonement – the miracle of attaining the experience of Oneness or At-One-Ment with God.


Continue to breathe deeply and evenly; do not let any tension find its way into your body as we gently follow the path to true forgiveness, the path to our Atonement; our At-One-Ment; remembering as we go that this is the path of least inner resistance.


I want you to hold your attention on your body.  Notice your thoughts about it.  How do you feel about your body?  What is your emotional reaction when you begin to think about yourself?  Do your thoughts drift to how it needs improvement?  How it has failed you?  How you admire its specific traits?


Know this: there is one thing you have never done.  You have never completely forgotten your body.  Everything you have ever done has involved your body in some aspect. Your body and your concern for its joy and pain, comfort and discomfort and all the related emotions its association induces in you have been the prime focus of your entire life.


Perhaps your awareness of it has faded from time to time, yet it has never completely disappeared.  


We are going to do this now.  I will lead you through this process very specifically so as to be sure you do not lose your way.  We want to escape the body.  We want to know our Oneness in God and achieve the Atonement, today, here, now – this holy instant.


If you agree to join me, then let us continue.


Become aware again of how you feel about your body.  Think again of the relationship you have with it. You may notice a wide range of feelings regarding this.  You have done your best to find happiness with it.  Do not feel guilt if it seems you have failed to be happy with it.


So far, the body has only been seen as a means to an end by your present interpretation.  You still think there is something you can achieve with it that will bring you joy.


I would like you to consider leaving such thoughts about it behind you now.  I would like you to consider that perhaps you do not need it at all to find your greatest joy, your highest good.


By holding onto the body as a means for attaining whatever it is you think you want or need here in the world, you are holding onto an anchor that will actually keep you from your happiness; an anchor that will drown you in its sorrow and disappointments.


Atonement is not welcomed by the mind that prefers to search through a world of pain to find its joy.


Atonement – your At-One-Ment – is found where the body cannot go.  It is found within you.


The body cannot follow you inward.  Only your mind can go where your inner peace rests with God.


And every instant we spend with God within, we are changed.  A healing takes place.


And when we return to the world of bodies, we will still see them but never again quite the same.  And each moment we spend without awareness of our body, we gain yet another different view of it whence we return.


At no single instant does the body actually exist at all.  It is remembered and anticipated – you think often of its past and future – but it is never experienced in the present moment of now.


Therefore, the whole attraction the body holds for you is imaginary. 


Now I would like you to let go of all you want and desire through your bodily experience.  Accept for just a moment that perhaps there is another experience that you had not yet conceived of that might be possible.


Do not place this experience in the future.  Let it come to you now.  


Let go of your thoughts about the past and the future, for they do not exist in truth.  The past is gone and the future is yet to be.  Release is given your mind the instant you desire to be free of these thoughts.


Many have attempted this state of mind through lifetimes of long contemplation, and have indeed achieved their moments of success.


However, we do not want to wait a lifetime to find our joy.  We do not want to spend the time such a path takes.  This meditation is designed to save you time.  


We are going to reach Atonement now.  All that is needed is to recognize the body is a completely neutral thing to us.   It is not a thing to be hated and despised.  Neither is it something to be exalted.  


We do not need a lifetime of contemplation to plainly understand that we can detach from the body by simply recognizing it is not who we are.


This cannot be more plainly stated.  It is a simple truth and it is simple to understand and therefore quite simple to accept – this holy instant.


You now have everything you need to know in order to achieve perfect Oneness with God and all your fellow brethren created in Oneness with you.


You have the means to move directly into Atonement with them.


You are prepared.


The next step in this meditation is to understand that there is nothing more you need do.  You need do nothing.  Simply let the truth of your Unity in God be true for you. Let the truth be Itself.


In this simple realization you will find your ultimate release from the body.


Follow this thought through to its completion.  Allow yourself to believe you are not your body and you are not guilty of any wrongdoing you may have assigned to yourself.


Give yourself this gift of forgiveness.  Forgive the body and all you thought you did with it, forgive all you think you want from it.


Let all such wants and needs drift away into nothingness.


Now, give this gift to everyone else you may think of; both the ones you love and the ones you may despise and those you do not even know.


Forgive them their bodily identities.  Forgive them all you thought they did with those bodies and anything you think you want from them.


Let all such wants and needs drift away into nothingness.


You need do nothing but let the truth of Who You Are take over your idea of what you thought you were.


And who are you now, without your body?


And who is everyone else without their bodies?


One instant spent with someone without the idea they are a body restores the universe to both of you.


See all people now without their bodies and let their true Identity as God’s Love and Light replace what you once believed.


Let God’s Love and Light now replace your own body.  See all bodies you can think of, merely dissolve away and disappear completely.  


Notice how this process makes you feel.  Allow yourself to feel relief over having let go of such burdensome images and relationships.


Your relationship with everyone is now simple.  Your relationship is now holy.  What complications can arise when all is Love and Light?  Where is the conflict when all is peace and contentment?


This is the special means we are using to save you time.  By looking directly at the ego and letting it go through such plain and simple means, we are taking the most direct route to salvation and Atonement.


You need do nothing else to achieve our goal.  Believe this for just one instant and you accomplish more here now than what others have given a century of contemplation to.


To do anything involves the body.  If you recognize you need do nothing, you have withdrawn the body’s value from your mind and walked directly to the truth.  


To do nothing is to rest.


Make a quiet place within your mind now, where the activity of the body and all its relationships, accomplishments, disappointments and wants and needs are still.


Let none of it command your attention.


Into this holy place God enters and there holds you in His peace. He never leaves you, but you can lose your awareness of His Presence when thoughts of the body and all it entails come to occupy your mind.  


Yet here this holy place remains, forever yours and forever unchanged by anything that happens outside of you.


Here is the place the body cannot go, for you have given up your thoughts about it and this has allowed you to go where it cannot follow. 


This quiet center, in which you do nothing, you think nothing, and you expect nothing, goes with you wherever you go.  It is here to give you rest in the midst of turmoil and distraction. 


From here God Himself will guide you as to what to do with your body while you yet remain in it.


Here is your center from which the body is absent and your mind rests in God.


Here Atonement is reached at last.  


This is the day when healing comes to you.  This is the day when your belief in separation from God and your brethren ends.  You separation is impossible.  You are not a body.  You are free. And you are still as God created you to be.


Rest here now in this healing space and let the memory of Who You really are come to you.  You are Love.  You are Light.  You need do nothing but let yourself accept this truth and the body will be left behind and you will awaken to the truth at last.



~ Holy Spirit