A Look 5 Years Into The Future Under Hypnosis With Dolores Cannon

By Author Beth Geer

          This work is funded entirely by donations alone. Though not expected, if you feel guided to make a love offering, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION. Thank you for your support!



            On October 9th, 2021, I was listening to a podcast presentation by Dolores Cannon. If you are not familiar with her work, though she passed away in 2014, she was a world-renowned hypnotherapist; in fact, one of the original pioneers in technique and development. Not only did she lead many thousands through past life regressions, but she is also the author of quite a number of books on the topic, including the Convoluted Universe book series. I myself, have only become familiar with her work in recent years, through having discovered her lectures on social media, which thus inspired me to read her Convoluted Universebooks. 

            So, back to the podcast I am referring to. At the end of this particular 2-hour presentation I was listening to, she surprised me by stating she would give the audience a special treat. She would give them a “future progression” through hypnosis. This was intriguing, in that I had no idea one could go into the future through hypnosis.

            Dolores stumbled upon this idea during one of her sessions with a client. As a little experiment, she decided to ask a client under deep hypnosis some questions about her own future, not knowing if anything would actually come true or not. What resulted when this future outcome came to pass is an astonishing story with accurate, on point details. Everything predicted came true.

            Deciding this was something viable, Dolores developed a hypnosis induction designed specifically to take the client forward in time to see the most probable outcome to a given scenario. In this way, she hoped to create another tool that could be used to help people grow and learn about who they are.

To begin the hypnosis session in this particular recording, she asked her audience to think of something we wanted to know the future outcome of in our life. We would then be given the choice of knowing the outcome just 1 year from now, 3 years from now, or 5 years from now. We would make this choice through selecting 1 of 3 doors within the hypnosis induction that would lead us to the answer we sought.

And so, I decided the question I’d most like to know the future outcome to was, my writing. How would my passion as a spiritual author pan out in the future? Would my life’s passion ever become something I could make a living at? Where would it lead me?

Dolores began the induction and I listened to the details carefully, as she led me up a marble staircase, which ended at a platform with 3 doors at the top.

Now it was time to make my choice as to which one I should open.

I decided against choosing door 1, which would show me only 1 year into the future. I figured my life would not be too different from what I was living now. I also decided against door 2, which would show me 3 years into the future, figuring this too, would probably show very little change in my life. So, I selected door 3, which would show me 5 years into my future as a spiritual author and teacher.

I held this intention as firmly as I could within my mind, in order to get the clearest answer to my question.

 Dolores then instructed everyone to open our selected door at this time. Once opened, she stated that at first, all we would see was a dense fog. We were then instructed to walk through the fog and as it gradually cleared, some aspect of the future life we had requested to see, would be revealed to us in answer to our question.

What I beheld took me by complete surprise.

I was standing, or rather, floating, in the middle of a clear blue sky and could barely make out the land far below. But what was most remarkable, was the fact that the sky was dotted with silver disc shaped UFOs everywhere, as far as the eye could see all around me.

I stopped right there and said to myself, “Nope! This isn’t right. I’ve for sure done something wrong here. This doesn’t answer my question at all! I’m going to try again.”

So, I quickly imagined myself going back through the fog and saw myself standing back on the other side of the third door. As before, I stated my question in my mind as clearly as possible, with firm intent, before reopening the door for a second try.

I then opened the door and stepped through the fog again, same as before.

And I saw exactly the same image. Nothing had changed.

So, not knowing what else to do, and with the recording of Dolores moving the hypnosis session along, I decided to just go with it.

Next, Dolores asked that we take note of what our occupation is at this time.

My own inner mind answered this question before I could even think of the possibilities, and I instantly knew that I was a liaison between a particular extraterrestrial race (one of many visiting our planet by this time) and the people of earth. This was my future occupation.

Though this shocked me to my core, and seemed completely unbelievable, not to mention way off track from my original question, I continued to listen to Dolores’s guiding words. Her next question was, where was I living during this future time?

My consciousness was then quickly floated down to the surface, where I found myself standing in front of a white structure built into the side of a large hill or mountain. The structure that was my “home” was pure white, with no sharp corners – everything about it was circular and rounded. There were also several small waterfalls nearby, pouring directly out of the mountainside, dotted amongst strange pastel colored vegetation.

In fact, everything around me seemed filled with an unusual, vibrant brightness, shining with beautiful pastel colors. It appeared heavenly – and I also realized this was not earth.

I panicked upon seeing this and wondered where was my log home and farm?  Where was my family? I inherently knew I was not dead. I was on another planet, but what one?

Dolores was an expert, and though this was a recording, she knew to ask us at this moment to take note of who was with us in this future time, and what we were doing together.

Again, the information came instantly into my mind, answering these questions.    This home was shared with an extraterrestrial family. They were tall, humanoid, blue skinned people with refined elegant facial features. Their eyes appeared dark, but upon close inspection you could see they were actually a deep blue, glinting with what looked like starlight. Most of these people were bald, but many of the women had beautiful, long, straight white, or silver hair.

The family who lived in the house in front of me, were part of an intergalactic program in partnership with my own family. We could each freely stay with at one another’s home for up to a few weeks at a time, trading back and forth. The idea behind this arrangement was similar to the foreign exchange program some schools have with students from other countries. This was an educational situation, to help foster a positive bond between our different races. We were to become familiar with the customs, culture, and lifestyle of each other’s home world. This family was welcome to come and go from our home any time they liked, and my family could likewise do the same with theirs. And sometimes we all stayed together.

Another thing I knew, was that there were many earth families as well as individuals and other small groups besides our own, participating in this “interplanetary exchange program.”

However, at the time of this hypnosis session, I knew very little about UFOs, space travel or extraterrestrials and wondered how this was possible. Wouldn’t it take untold years to travel across the galaxy? And where was this planet anyway?

The answers instantly popped into my head.

It took only minutes to hours (depending on where you wanted to slow down and take a look at the view) to travel via “worm hole” or “space portal” between our planets. This particular planet was associated with the Pleiades star system. Its name was Ata, which was a planetary name I had never heard of before. Later, I attempted to find information about it, and found nothing. So, either it is simply unknown to the general public, or perhaps I’ve got the name wrong.

The people who lived there were predominantly a blend of the Arcturian and Pleiadean races.

My next thought was, “So where were my two children and husband?”

The answer to this question again, came immediately to my mind.

My husband worked closely with me as a liaison/contact person between races. His was a slightly different position than mine, in that he was more involved with the ship’s mechanics and technology. But we were on the same “team” and travelled between planets together with this particular extraterrestrial contact family.

As Dolores continued to guide the session forward, I next discovered that my daughter was working in a medical research department, learning from the extraterrestrials about new ways the human body can be healed and cared for. She appeared in my mind, wearing a dark blue one-piece uniform that had some sparkle to it. Over that, she wore what looked like an ordinary lab coat. She carried a small, palm-sized device in her hand and was walking with a very diverse group of about 8 individuals, 3 of whom were human like her. The others were much different, and clearly extraterrestrials. Two were men with blue skin and features like our liaison family, another one was a female who had pale green skin with a golden sheen and bright yellow eyes. I had a knowing feeling that that was not her true skin color, but rather, a sort of body paint or makeup. I felt the true color of her skin was a pale pink. The last two individuals were 1 male and 1 female from the same race. They looked very human but much taller, perhaps about 7 to 8 feet, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Their uniforms were a one-piece, shimmering white color with a long flowing white coat of the same spectacular material. They appeared to be the leaders of the medical team.

Next, I was shown a vision of my son. He appeared in my mind with the word “communications” beneath him, describing his job title. Nothing more about his occupation was revealed to me and I had no idea what that job entailed. However, he had a woman with him, who would one day be his wife. She was an extraterrestrial from Ata, the world we visited as part of the liaison program. Her skin was a pale blue, she had long flowing white hair and was about the same height as my son, who is a tall young man of 6 foot 5 inches. (And still growing as he was only 15 years old in 2021, at the time of this hypnosis session).

The woman with him was absolutely beautiful, and it was made known to me that he would one day have 2 children with her.

Then to my great disappointment, Dolores began to end this short hypnosis session, which only lasted about 10 minutes. She gave the cues to come back to the present moment and I sat there feeling nothing less than completely incredulous.

So, this is my future only 5 short years from October of 2021? What amazing changes are in store for earth in the coming years between now and 2026?

Of course, I had many more questions, and would have loved to have known more about the condition of humanity as a whole, but overall, I had the glowing positive feeling earth was healed, along with much of the suffering of the people. We have a bright, and miraculous future ahead of us.

If all this is true, I have no fear of what is to come. Only an intense excitement and boundless joy. This means that the human race is on the cusp of unprecedented, open contact and we are all about to awaken to the presence of our intergalactic family. If this all comes to pass, how exciting for us people of earth!

I guess we will just have to wait and see…

Until then, let us each be the most loving, compassionate, and non-judgmental individuals we can be. For this is the level of thinking that is expected of us in order to be able to co-exist with others of such high-caliber vibration.


           This work is funded entirely by donations alone. Though not expected, if you feel guided to make a love offering, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION. Thank you for your support!