MESSAGE 6: IF YOU WANT YOUR PROBLEMS TO GO AWAY, YOU MUST FIRST STOP THINKING ABOUT THEM. This also means, stop talking about them and giving all your focus and energy to them. Cease to raise them from the dead, resurrecting them over and over again, day after day in your mind. This merely lends them “staying power,” and the resolution of such problems, will only grow in impossibility in your mind. You will give your problems such power that you will even become convinced they are bigger and more powerful than God.

            Your Spirit as part of God has no problems. This is your true Reality. This is what you forget when you place your problems at the forefront of your mind. You are literally giving away all your power. Again, in truth, you have no true problems – you healed and whole, perfect, and complete, resting in the peace and serenity of your One Self in God.            

Yet you walk the world, completely unaware of the Reality of your true state of being.

            Remind yourself every time you catch yourself focusing on this world of form and all its perceived problems, that these are merely the problems of the body, the problems of the ego. They are not your problems in truth. If your worldly problems were real, they would follow you into Heaven. And though you do not remember Heaven, you do know deep in your heart that such problems as you seem to have now, do not exist there.         

Train your mind to go in a new direction when you find yourself thinking about problems. Focus only on the good. There is always some good to be grateful for. Be grateful you exist. Be grateful your problems are not real.

Oh, they are real indeed to your ego, who is filled with needs and wants, all in a grand effort to satisfy your bodily hungers. But you can be grateful this world is not your real home, and your body is not who you are in truth.

In this way, you change your focus, redirecting it to the truth and you thus let your thoughts bring only what is good and true into your life. Think of your Unity and Sonship in God, remembering your kinship with all people when you are tempted to see problems and watch as they begin to solve themselves.

Worldly doors will open as your mind and heart open to unite through your new focus on all-inclusive love.

Love is the doorway through which miracles walk. Keep your focus on the One Love that you are – your Wholeness in God – and your life will become rich in holy wholeness. Your problems will seem to disappear, but all you have done, is ceased to think about them.

You have stopped giving your power away to that which does not serve your best interests, and given it instead to the One Who knows your most deepest need; to awaken to the problem free existence as part of God’s One Love.

~ With Love, The Holy Spirit

(Channeled by Beth Geer)

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